Week 4, Day 6
1. Snatch: Go up to a heavy single, around 90% or so. If you feel incredible, you can go heavier, but be smart about it.
2. Clean & Jerk: Go up to a heavy single, around 90%.
3. Front Squat: 3 sets of 1, you choose your weight, and just get 3 working sets in.
Randomizer Option:
Front Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
4 rounds of:
30 seconds of Burpees
30 seconds of Squats
30 seconds of Sit Ups
30 seconds of running
30 seconds of rest
Old picture???? I was thinking that it looks pretty recent.
By the way hit 101kg in the Snatch today!!!!
No freaking way! JP is hitting triple digits, way to go man!